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Public Feedback Needed: The Use of Video Analytics by the Thunder Bay Police Service

The public is encouraged to take part in an online survey regarding the use of video analytics by the TBPS. The survey is anonymous and will provide valuable insights into any concerns regarding the use of A.I. (artificial intelligence-based) software.

Why is the use of video analytics by police important?

The growing volume of video recordings and camera surveillance provides police with additional avenues for investigations. The growth of this data also poses a very real challenge in processing and examining the growing volume of video files available to police.

The TBPS has acquired Briefcam which is a video analytics program that uses artificial intelligence to process video files for review. We are currently testing this technology as an additional investigative aid. Essentially, Briefcam is a very versatile search engine which reduces massive video recordings into more manageable durations which greatly assists police investigations.

How does it work?

Video files processed by Briefcam can be searched for individual characteristics and descriptions such as types of vehicles, colours of vehicles, clothing, accessories such as backpacks, hats, direction of travel of an object, and other key identifiers. The program generates a compressed timeline which shows where a specific or similar object appears within the entire video file. An investigator can then efficiently locate and review the original video for these identified objects.

Video analytics will have a significant impact by dramatically reducing the amount of time required to examine huge video files for potential evidence in police investigations. Some investigations require the review of thousands of hours of video.

Video analytics are an aid to investigations which could include video evidence with:

• Missing Persons
• Abductions
• Violent Crime
• Property Crime
• Sudden Deaths

How will the use of this technology be governed and controlled?

The Thunder Bay Police Service will follow procedures which meet the policy requirements developed by the Thunder Bay Police Services Board. In addition to object recognition and analysis, this would include very strict procedures for the very limited use of facial recognition. (Example: Missing Persons)

We need your input:

The Thunder Bay Police Service is seeking public feedback on the use of this technology. The link to the online survey is


Thunder Bay