Incident Date

Following is the statement Thunder Bay Police Service Chief Sylvie Hauth gave at this morning’s Police Services Board meeting. The attached video features this statement and statements from Thomas Lockwood, OCPC Appointed Board Administrator, and TBPS Board Chair Celina Reitberger, which were also from today’s meeting.

December 18, 2018

Today’s statement from the Thunder Bay Police Services Board under the leadership of an OCPC appointed administrator, underscores the importance of moving forward with the recommendations from the OIPRD and OCPC reports regarding the Thunder Bay Police Service. The reports clearly state the need for a thoughtful and impactful plan to address the issues of systemic racism within the Service and the Board.

Director McNeilly clearly stated in his report, “We cannot lose this opportunity to improve the relationship between TBPS and Indigenous communities. The recommendations in this report provide tools to enable that relationship to significantly improve.”

Given the importance of being able to address the 44 recommendations properly, I will be consulting with senior administration and the members of the service in early January to formulate an action plan. I will also be working closely with the Police Services Board administrator to ensure that the TBPS moves forward to meet the community’s expectations. An initial report on the progress to date will be provided at the January Police Services Board meeting.

The OIPRD expects a progress report in six months and the TBPS will work to ensure that date is adhered to.

Sylvie Hauth
Chief of Police – Thunder Bay Police Service 

Thunder Bay