Incident Date

As we head into a long weekend, the Thunder Bay Police Service would like to take a moment to remind the public to exercise extreme caution when near area waterways.

Whether you are swimming, boating or just happen to be near water, be mindful there are risks. Due to our climate, our opportunities to enjoy water-based activities is limited and thus safety can easily become an afterthought.

Open water – such as rivers and lakes – can pose significant safety risks. Remember to never underestimate the power of a current, which can sometimes challenge even the strongest swimmers.

If you are going to be near water please remember to have appropriate safety equipment with you, like a lifejacket or other kinds of personal floatation devices. Avoid swimming, or even wading in water, alone.

If you are involved in, or witness, any kind of emergency near water please call 9-1-1 right away. The Thunder Bay Police Service, along with other local emergency first responders, will be available to assist.

For more helpful tips about keeping safe near water visit the following resources provided by the Canadian Red Cross:

Thunder Bay