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Community Cleanups

The Thunder Bay Police Service, via its Zone Watch program, hosted three community cleanups throughout May with the support of Eco Superior and local volunteers. 

Celebrating Graduation 

A graduation ceremony was held in the Collegium Building on the CLE grounds for the 2018 graduating class of Dennis Franklin Cromarty school. Members of the Aboriginal Liaison Unit, along with some other members from the Thunder Bay Police Service attended to offer congratulations to the graduating students. Aboriginal Liaison Unit Cst. Bob Simon was one of the speakers during this ceremony. 

Going Green for Mental Health

The #GetLoud for Mental Health campaign ran from May 7 to 13. In addition to numerous mental health awareness activities, the Thunder Bay Police Service teamed up with other first responders to show support for having a dialogue about mental health and mental illness. 

Positive Ticketing Campaign

The Positive Ticketing Campaign launched in May. The campaign rewards children who are "caught" by officers doing good. Wearing proper-fitting bicycle helmets and practicing safe cycling techinues, for example, could lead to a child being ticketed through the Positive Ticketing Campaign. These positive tickets come with a free Froster courtesy of Mac's Convenience Store. 

Archery Lessons

Aboriginal Liaison Unit Officers Cst. Gary Cambly and Cst. Bob Simon took on the role of archery instructor during a student leadership program run collaboratively through Lakehead Public Schools, Matawa Learning Centre and the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board

Victims and Survivors of Crime Walk

Members of the Thunder Bay Police Service participated in the Crime Prevention Council's annual Victims and Survivors of Crime walk. 

Cops, Coffee and Conversation

During Police Week the Thunder Bay Police Service hosted a series of Facebook Live conversations. Each day, from Monday through Friday, a Thunder Bay Police Service member spoke live about how partnerships assist the service in its day-to-day operations. 

Coffee Drive Thru for Victim Services

Another Police Week initiative, the Thunder Bay Police Service hosted a pop-up coffee drive thru in support of Thunder Bay and Area Victim Services. The pop-up drive was assembled in the Intercity Shopping Centre parking lot at the site of the former Sears. 

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